Visa Everyday Spend Card

- $5.00 initial purchase fee
- $3.95 monthly service fee
- Free to reload
- All transaction fees are listed on the back of the card carrier
Activating My Everyday Spend Card
- After purchase at an SCCU branch, cards are mailed from the card vendor to member with the member's name embossed on the card within 7-10 days.
- Member activates card via VRU (Voice Response Unit) 1-877-850-9650
At the time of activation, the member will be asked to enter the last 4 digits of the phone number used at the time of purchase. They will be instructed to choose a 4 digit PIN.
Loading My Everyday Spend Card
- Unlimited amount of loads
- Minimum load is $10; maximum value is $5,000
- How to Load Your Everyday Spend Card:
- Member can load cards at (3-5 day hold applies).
- Member can load cards via the Visa ReadyLink reload network.
- SCCU can load cards up to 4 times per month ($5 initial purchase fee plus the $0.50 on SCCU loads over 4 per month). SCCU loads could take up to 24 hours to update card balance (longer if loaded on a Saturday).
Other Everyday Spend Card Info
- Cards are automatically reissued if active and have a balance
- 30 month expiration date is embossed at the time SCCU orders the card for member
- Can be used for Visa signature purchases, Interlink, and Plus PIN access